Prose Poems & Vietnam Poetry
by Victor Henry

Victor Henry (Victor H. Bausch) served in Viet Nam with the 2nd Battalion, 47th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, 1967-68. Afterwards he earned a B.A. in English (1978) and an M.A. in English (1982) from California State University, Stanislaus.  His second master’s degree, a Master of Library Science, is from San Jose State University (1989).  

He is a member of Veterans for Peace. 

His poetry and prose poems have appeared in small press magazines, anthologies, and e-zines, such as Slipstream;The Paterson Literary Review; Nobody Gets Off The Bus: The Viet Nam Generation Big Book; Vietnam War Poetry; The Homestead Review; Red River Review; Dead Snakes, and Misfitmagazine, among others.

Image of What They Wanted book cover.


His book, What They Wanted, was published by FutureCycle Press. To order copies, please visit:









Sit Down With Victor Henry YouTube Video


Online Publications:


A writer, voice in full throat, midway through an experimental novel, loses his visual voice like a filmmaker who loses his leading actor to a coronary. In anger he chastises his luck like a moody lover chiding celibacy. Frantically, he searches through his page proofs, hoping to find his voice but the proofs seize him like a leper's first kiss. Confused, he begins to dictate into a tape recorder during the day, and at night watch talk shows, wasting away like an anorexic performing aerobics. In desperation he enrolls in a "How to Throw Your Voice" correspondence course. His teacher, a master ventriloquist, wanted by the Actors' Equity Association for not paying his past union dues, has disappeared like a thief in a mystery novel. Now the writer takes lessons from the dummy, hoping that the dummy will be able to pull the strings.

c2004-2020 by Victor Henry (Victor H. Bausch)

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Last Update: 3/16/21
Copyright ©2004-2021 by Victor Henry - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED