Day Two-Downtown Alicante


Here's a photo of the lovely hotel where we are staying.

Just down the street is a little plaza bordered by a bakery and several small restaurants featuring tapas & pizza.

Today my day started with a typical breakfast--juice, rustic bread with cheese, ham and salami, a bowl of fruit and, learning from yesterday's caffeine indiscretion--mint tea.

While Ollie reported for work at the office, I wandered through old town, intrigued by all the high rise apartments, some with laundry fluttering from windows and balconies, children playing on the sidewalk, elderly men and women walking dogs or rolling shopping carts down the street. Everywhere--scooters and cars and graffiti!

Here's a pretty typical example of what clutters each and every surface in sight.

This fruit and vegetable shop was particularly charming and busy with shoppers.

Despite the cold and wind, this plaza flamed with color.

Ollie's office is in Elche. He says we'll take the train to Madrid on Saturday to explore it together.

Near our hotel is this amazing sculpture.

Here's a menu from the restaurant across the street where we hope to have dinner tonight.