On Thursday, June 19, 2008, Laura, Kate and I (Jennifer) embarked on a trip to Cambria where we had rented a lovely three bedroom home named Ocean Song located on Marine Terrace. The three of us wrote poetry, went on hikes, created collages, cooked wonderful meals, watched old movies and had all sorts of adventures. We also collaborated on a script and material for our upcoming September 25, 2008 Women's Voices poetry reading to be held at the Carl Cherry Center in Carmel. On Sunday afternoon, Laura and Kate returned home to Carmel Valley and Santa Cruz. My husband, Ollie, and our two little hounds, Zoe and Pepper, joined me at Ocean Song house for four more days of adventures.
The following links will take you to pictorial slideshows of the places we have visited.
Around us, gold hills ignite.
Mustard and poppy shrivel and blaze.
Fine white ash covers every surface,
snows to earth from invisible clouds.
Thin smoke rises and spins as
scrub oak and chaparral explode into flame.
All night, I sizzle restlessly,
tormented by bright moon, smoldering dreams.
Come morning, I am delirious and depleted,
sip scalding coffee underneath flaring sun.
Loved ones and worry continue to crackle
like persistent hot spots, scorching my brain.
by Jennifer Lagier Fellguth